“I travel a lot; I hate having my life disrupted by routine.” ~Caskie Stinnett

This is so true for me.  I really love to travel, but I love not just the traveling, but the whole process of travel. 

As soon as we are on a return flight from one trip, I am already brainstorming the next destination.   I enjoy researching various destinations, learning about attractions, restaurants, shopping, etc and searching for the best reviews and good values.   I create itineraries, start a packing list and a savings fund well in advance of the trip.  The excitement mounts as the departure dates arrives.  And of course during the trip, the experiences, the cuisine, the people, the history create so many memories and open your eyes to the world around you.  But once the actual trip is over, it still continues.  Not just with the experience and learning that took place, but sharing the joy of those experiences and the images you capture on film. 

I always need a trip to be planning or to be re-living as it creates a sense of excitement to the otherwise mundane routines of life.

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One thought on ““I travel a lot; I hate having my life disrupted by routine.” ~Caskie Stinnett

  1. Now I am going to do my breakfast, later than
    having my breakfast coming over again to read further news.

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